Unlock Your Potential with Life Coaching

Let’s work together to make some shifts in your life!

Where to find a success coach

Are you feeling stuck in your career or personal life? Are you struggling to achieve your goals and live a fulfilling life? Our professional life coaching services can help you unlock your true potential and reach your full potential.

Life coaching by certified coach
Book your life coaching session with Dr. Lewis today!

Before I continue, let me first introduce myself the way Brene Brown says we should introduce ourselves: I am Dr. Lewis, a husband/loving father of 3/educator/administrator/editor/researcher/resume designer/blogger/lifelong coach/entrepreneur/motivator/DIYer/and a person like all of you!

Life coaching is a powerful tool that helps individuals to identify their goals, values and passions and develop a customized plan to achieve them. Our experienced life coaches provide a supportive and non-judgmental environment and help clients stay focused and motivated throughout the process.

Take my free Self-Assessment to identify a focus area that you need to work on in your life: 5 Point Focus Area Self-Assessment

Life Coaching Services I Offer:

I offer a wide range of life coaching services, including:

  • Career coaching: I help individuals navigate career transitions, identify their strengths and passions, and achieve their career goals.
  • Relationship coaching: I teach communication and conflict resolution skills, and help individuals build and maintain healthy relationships.
  • Personal development coaching: I help individuals improve their self-awareness, self-esteem, and overall well-being.
  • Stress and anxiety management: I teach effective stress management techniques and help individuals to reduce anxiety and improve their overall well-being.
  • Goal setting and achievement: I work with individuals to set realistic and achievable goals and provide the guidance and accountability needed to achieve them.

Our life coaching sessions can be done in virtually via Google Meets or over the phone. I also offer a complimentary initial consultation to help individuals determine if coaching is right for them! 


The benefits of life coaching are numerous and include:

  • Increased clarity and focus
  • Improved self-awareness
  • Enhanced relationships
  • Increased confidence and self-esteem
  • Achieving goals and aspirations
  • Better decision making
  • Improved work-life balance
  • A sense of purpose and fulfillment

Don’t let your dreams go unfulfilled, take control of your life today with our professional life coaching services. I will work with you to unlock your true potential and help you achieve your goals.

Contact me today to schedule your complimentary consultation and start your journey towards personal growth and development.

Book your sessions today!

Each session I offer is one-on-one and personalized to each client. There is no one size fits all approach. Each client is unique and should be respected as such. Success coaching sessions are priced at $215 per hour. I encourage clients to book at least 4 sessions at 1 per week or biweekly for 2 months, because this will allow us to see observable progress towards your goals. To book a session simply go to the calendar below, complete and submit the Coaching Request form, or email me at DrLewis@CoachDrLewis.com 
I look forward to coaching you soon!